Task: Create Test Cases
Develop the test cases and test data for the requirements to be tested.
Disciplines: Test

The purpose of this task is to:

  • identify various sources for your test cases
  • generate test cases from use case scenarios
  • identify sources of test data needed to run the test case
RolesPrimary Performer: Additional Performers:
InputsMandatory: Optional:
Examine the requirements to be tested
Work with Role: Analyst to identify which use-case scenarios need to be tested. Create at least one test case for each use-case scenario.  Ensure that the right number of use cases have been addressed and that edge conditions have been considered.  For more information on creating test cases from use-case scenarios, see Checklist: Test Case.
Consider Test Ideas

Review the Test-ideas List.  Ensure that all relevant test-ideas have been reviewed.  If you have prioritized your list, begin test case creation from the highest priority test ideas.  For more information on Test Ideas, see Concept: Test Ideas

Outline the Test Case

Write the name, purpose, and steps for the test case.  For more information on the test case outline, see Template: Test Case.

Identify Test Data

Walk through the steps of a test case.  Note where data input or output is needed to run the test case.  For more information on test data selection, see Checklist: Test Data.

Evaluate and verify your results

Ensure that:

  • The prioritized use-case scenario from your use case model have been used to generate test cases
  • Each test case has an outline
  • Sources other than use cases have been examined as prospective sources of test cases
  • Test data has been identifed and ideally typed
  • Sources of test cases have been captured in a test-ideas list

For more information on test case creation verification, see see Checklist: Test Case.

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