Artifact: Build
An operational version of a system or part of a system that demonstrates a subset of the capabilities to be provided in the final product.
Domain: Development
Work Product Kinds: Solution
Deliver incremental value to the user and customer, and provide a testable artifact for verification.
RolesResponsible: Modified By:
TasksInput To:
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Main Description

This working version of the system is the result of putting the implementation of the system through a build process (typically an automated build script) that creates an executable version of the system, or one that runs.

Key Considerations

In an iterative lifecycle, each build must evolve from the previous iteration's build, adding more functionality and improving quality.

The purpose of early builds that minimize or eliminate a risk or verify architectural decisions is to achieve consistently stable builds in later iterations.

Reasons for not needing

There will always need to be an executable version of the system.

Representation Options

This work product is almost always a composite product made up of numerous parts required to make the executable system.  The specifics of those parts will vary by technology in use.

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