Some Use Cases and Scenarios may need to be described in more detail to validate our
understanding of the requirement and to permit software development to begin. This does not imply that all use
cases and scenarios will be detailed prior to commencing implementation. Work with stakeholders to
detail only those that are prioritized for implementation in the next iteration or two (see Artifact: Work Items List), or those that are deemed architecturally significant
(see Concept: Architecturally Significant Requirements.)
The level of detail captured will vary depending upon the needs of the project and the complexity of the use
case. For a discussion of the different levels of detail that may be applicable see Guideline: Use Case Formats.
Capture the use case details in Artifact: Use Case. For additional information on detailing use cases and scenarios, see Guideline: Detail Use Cases and Scenarios. For assistance in assessing the
quality of your use cases see Checklist: Use Case.