Artifact: Work Items List
This artifact contains a list of all scheduled work to be done within the project, as well as proposed work that may affect the product in this or future projects. Each Work Item may contain references to information relevant to carry out the work described within the work item.
Domain: Project Management
Work Product Kinds: Project Data
To collect all requests for work that will potentially be taken on within the project, so work can be prioritized, effort estimated and progress tracked.
Main Description

This artifact provides a focal point for the entire team:

  • It provides one list containing all requests for additional capabilities or enhancement for that application. Note that some of these requests may never be implemented, or be implemented in later projects
  • It provides one list of all the work to be prioritized, estimated, and assigned within the project. The risks list is however prioritized separately.
  • It provides one place to go to for the development team to understand what needs to be done, get references to material required to carry out the work, and one place to go to report progress made.

Work items can be very large in scope, especially when capturing requests for enhancements, such as “Support Financial Planning” for a personal finance application. Work Items are analyzed, and broken down into smaller Work Items so they can assigned to an iteration, such as a use case scenario “Calculate Net Worth”. Further breakdown may be required to identify suitable tasks to be assigned to developers, such as “Develop UI for Calculate Net Worth”. This means that Work Items often have parent / child relationships.

Work Items should contain estimates, see Guideline: Work Items List and Guideline: Agile Estimation.

Representation Options

As a spreadsheet or database

The Work Items List can be captured as a separate artifact, represented by a spreadsheet or database table, see Example: Work Items List.

In specific tools

Project Management, Requirements Management and Change Request tools are an option to capture the list of work to be done.

Subset As part of the Iteration Plan

The Artifact: Iteration Plan typically references Work Items that are assigned to that iteration. If the team is capturing the Iteration Plan on a Whiteboard for example, the team may choose to reference high-level work items in the Work Items List that are assigned to the iteration, and maintain low-level child work items used to track day-to-day work only within an iteration plan.

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